Finally, the waiting for who’s be lucky person who will win in Bakbakan National 12-Stag Derby 2014 had been ended. Bakbakan is one of the biggest derby in the Philippines organized by the National Federation of the Gamefowl Breeders. Every year, the Bakbakan becomes bigger and bigger, 6,593 entries had been joined. The federation offered 55 million guaranteed prize including for the winners of this prestigious derby. On Dec. 4, Nerwin Ricohermoso of NJMAR Gamefarm and a member of Batangas Breeders Club became a solo-champion.
Nerwin was undergone in a big
challenge before he got the championship. As what we knew, many cocker-breeders
are joining in this prestigous derby. In the grand finals, 40 entries with 7
straight win fought for the trophy including big-time breeders Patrick Antonio,
Eddie Bong Plaza, Marlon Escolin, Vice Gov. Odi Fausto, etc. Some of them got
11 points, but they lose during this last fight. Nerwin was the only one who
got a perfect score. So, let us congratulate this guy for being the new
Bakbakan champion!