How are you cockers in this Christmas season? Hope that you’re in a good health condition and still kicking on cockpit arena. Some of us are practicing the spirit of Christmas through sharing our blessings to the needy one either it is cash or for kind. We are aware that this season is not just about party and relaxation or aiming for material things. We knew that this is the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ; for he is the real reason of Christmas. We are tough people, but we have also a soft heart that’s why we extend our helping hand if we can only afford. As a matter of fact, some gamefowl associations are organizing derby and they give the proceeds to the charity. They are doing this even it is not Christmas.
For the
mean time, the Muppets wants to give us a special number; so, let us listen to
the voice of these chicken characters. This is just a teaser video and it was already viewed one
million times. It will remind us, not only about Christmas, but also the time
of our youth when we were still conducted caroling in our neighborhood or in
nearby areas.