How do you feel every time you’re fighting your chicken in a cockpit arena? Are you relax or you feel nervous? Is there a time that you want to wee to your pants because of extreme nervous? If you have only heart problem, you will suddenly die at the very moment. Maybe that will be happened if your bet is too big and you have a doubt that you’re going to win unless you’re such a big time cocker who don’t care about money because you have plenty of it. We already witnessed big names in cockfights who are betting million pesos in every fight. It seems that is only a small amount of money of them. Unlike ordinary cockers, they are only betting minimum.
On the contrary side, do you already felt that you’re in ecstasy while fighting your chicken? It seems you’re like Major Doromal who always in a happy mood because every time when he fights he always kicking in the air as a martial artist. While he is doing this the audience chanting him with “Yah, Yah”! What a funny scenario, it seems that you’re watching a kung fu movie. There are also some cockers love to dance when they are fighting. They don’t care even other people looking at him as a fool. But for the open minded, there is nothing about their behavior. They only want to magnetize the positive energy to their chickens. There is no problem even if they would lose. At least, they enjoyed their fights.
In the end, cockfighting is not about is not about winning or losing the game; but is about how enjoy the sport. For the thrill and excitement in our circles never ends. Happy cocking, everyone!