Of course not! Because cockfighting is already a part of our culture. Before the Spaniard arrived in our country, according to the history our ancestors were already raising gamefowl chicken. Cockfighting was their favorite past time. And now cockfighting became a billion pesos industry although some people ignored it. They don’t know that this is a source of a livelihood; not only for the businessman, but also for the ordinary people who became a beat caller, sentenciador, gaffer, handler, cocpit vendors, etc.
The sad
thing, there are some groups want to stop cockfighting in the Philippines
particularly the animal rights activists and even some moralist. They are not
looking at the positive side of cockfighting helps a lot of people. For them,
this is just a gamble and an animal cruelty. You gain nothing here, but it
could just ruin your life if you will become addicted. These are the reason why
they want our sport to be banned. They are lobbying to the Congress to they
should pass an anti-cockfighting bill.
some of us are very relaxed, they believed that cockfighting could not be
banned in the Philippines because many politicians are also cockfighters. So,
why they would support the bill that against with their belief and moral
ascendency? If they would support that kind of bill, voters will not elect them
in the election. Because the majority of the male voters are also supporters of
cockfighting. If they will do this, it seems that they are putting in danger
their political career. Yes, this is very true. But don’t just be relaxed, everything is possible. So, we must be aware at all times. Remember
what happened to America, cockfighting was already existed for how many decades
before it declared as illegal. Now, American cockfighters there can breed
chicken, but they don’t have a right to organize a derby. Do you want to happen
this in our country?
what if cockfighting becomes an illegal in our country? What would you do?
According to some cockfighters that I talked, there will be having a civil
disobedience. They make a national protest to bring back the cockfighting in
the Philippines. So, the government will also decide to re-eligalize our
beloved sport. For sure, before this could happen all cockfighters would unite
to stop the anti-cockfighting bill. But as what I said, we always be aware of the
works of our common enemies. Maybe as of now, we have not felt their force
because we are looking only to our side. Without realizing that they are also
here and trying to destroy the cockfighting in the Philippines.