We are using
different entry names every time when we are joining in a derby. Of course, we
have a reason why we choose that entry name. The very common we do is we based
it according to the name of our farm. Sometimes, we integrate the name of our
financier to our entry name. This is our way to recognize their help to us.
Without them, maybe we can’t join in a derby have a high pot money.
If we
are a family oriented person, we are using the name of our mother, father, son,
daughter and even relatives for our entry name. There is a depth reason why we
are doing this, maybe we are emotionally attached to them. We could compare
this to the jeepney owners who love to put the names and caricature of their
family to their vehicle. Like typical Pinoy, cockers are also giving an
importance to the family and we show it even by using their names in our entry
names. Then, if we are proud to our municipality, we also use it in our entry
name. This is to announce where we came from.
If you
will notice, some entry names are promoting a certain product. This is very
obvious that the entry name is financed by a gamefowl company. If there entry
could win; they can convince the audience to use their product. What a nice
marketing strategy of them. Don’t get me wrong, that the Thunderbird entry is
owned by a big company of gamefowl products. It is the entry name of Amado
Araneta! Then, other entries are promoting a particular date of a derby. So, by
doing this they are inviting the audience to join also to their derby. I salute
to these people because they really know where to target their potential
And of
course, other entry names are using the name of animals like cobra, toro, lion,
etc. It doesn’t need to name your name with chicken. The entry owners may attribute
the characteristics of the animal to their chickens. While other cockers like
to use the word like terminator, assassin and any other strong words. What
would be your reaction if you hear that there is an entry has a name like this?
Is it scary you or it doesn’t have an impact on you? For you, it is an only an
entry name. The important to you is the performance of their chicken, nothing
In the
end, as an owner of an entry, it’s up to us what name we would choose. But when
we are choosing a name, think differently to get the attention of the audience.
And even we are using different entry names when we are joining in a derby; put
your trademark with it. So, the audience will easily recognize that you’re the
owner of that entry. How about you my friend, what’s the story behind your
entry name?